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HomeEventsWAWA Annual Picnic

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WAWA Annual Picnic

Date and Time

Saturday, April 26, 2025, 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM


Home of Mike & Annette Laska
901 Old Lennon Rd.
Bolivia, NC  28422

Event Contact(s)

Frank Miller

Kirk Rector


Social Events

Registration Info

Registration is required

About this event

Mark you calendar!

WAWA Picnic at the home of Mike and Annette Laska at 901 Lennon Road SE, Bolivia, NC  28422.

For a change of pace this year, we're going to grill as a group at the Laska's. If you're a willing grillmeister, drop us a note and volunteer to help.

WAWA will be providing the meat and fixings (hamburgers and hotdogs, maybe more), along with buns and condiments and water/tea. There be no charge for members and their guest this year, but we ask each couple to bring a side dish to share -- either salad, side or dessert. Please indicate what you're bringing when you register. If we get too lopsided we might ask some to swap what what they're bringing. Even though there is no charge, please register if you are coming and cancel if you register but can't make it. We don't want to waste food or be unprepared.

For a fun activity, we'll hold the great top spin-off! Bring your best top(s) and we'll judge them for beauty and performance. Details of the judging to come!

More info to come!

If you have questions or problems registering, contact the event leader or use the online form below.
