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Support WAWA education and outreach with your contribution of cash, equipment, wood ...

We believe woodturning can be a life-changing skill. The organization strives to broaden awareness and knowledge about the craft of woodturning to all people in the Wilmington area. Through public introductory classes, outreach events, and education, we spread the amazing story and art of woodturning. You can help us fulfill that mission.


Your cash donation helps.

A primary mission of Wilmington Area Woodturners Association is to education and promote the art of woodturning. WAWA is a 501(c)(3) (commonly referred to as 401c3) charitable, non-profit organization. Donations to WAWA qualify as charitable contributions and might be deductible for income tax purposes.


Your donation of equipment can benefit WAWA.

Retiring from woodworking or woodturning? After you’ve enjoyed your shop equipment, the team at WAWA can take your unneeded equipment off your hands and get it into new hands so it is enjoyed anew. We will sell or donate (as appropriate), with the proceeds benefiting the organization’s outreach and education efforts.

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Extra hardwood cluttering your shop? Fallen tree in your yard? We can give wood that might go to waste a new life.


Have extra hardwood lying about your shop? Have you recently lost or are being forced to cut down a hardwood tree? Contact WAWA. We can send our team of Wood Scouts out to check out what you've got and retrieve extra inventory or select chunks to benefit members and students. (Sorry, we can't do full tree removal, only scavenging. And local pine is not the best for woodturning.)


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